Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Reports from the road- Day 5! Kane, PA

It's amazing how quickly the first 5 days of our journey have been! We're in Kane, PA right now- in the middle of Pennsylvania. We've just passed the mountain range know as the Endless Mountains and you can guess that the cycling is very tough.

In our first 5 days I'm amazed at the hospitality and generousity of people we have met along the way!

A special thanks to Pastor David Killeen in Tuxedo, Ms. Florence Brown, Pastor Chuck in Tunkhannock, Pastor Dave in Wellsboro and the crew at Costa's in Lord's Valley, PA!

Tonight and tomorrow we're staying at the First Methodist Church in Kane, PA. We're taking the day off from cycling tomorrow to meet with members of the church's parish as we begin field work for our Portraits project. Stay tuned for updates as we cycle to Erie, PA and enter Ohio.

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